Here’s Why Python Continues To Be The Language Of Choice For Data Scientists

For a large community, Python continues to be the core choice of data scientists. It has become the base of programming language for data science/WebOps. In simpler words, Python is an essential skill for the development of modern applications.
Python's rising popularity in the data science peripheral has acquired a special aspect for deep learning and machine learning libraries. It also includes tools like scikit-learn, Keras and TensorFlow. Data scientists have been using the base programming language for the development of exemplary data models.

They plug directly into a production system. Starting from data collection to exploration, modelling and visualisation, Python's libraries NumPy and SciPy pave the segment to strong algorithms. This mainly entitles analysts and data scientists for delving into machine learning without any hidden glitches.
As per the IEEE Spectrum report, Python has swiped off Java in terms of web and enterprise. This is because of the rising growth in machine learning and deep learning domain.

Python is becoming the leader

Aspiring data scientists are in a dilemma to select between the best data science tool. Python training in Bangalore will further help in clearing the battle. There are several data science tools that offer the needed option. It narrows the filter between two popular languages - Python and R. Python tends to emerge as the most popular language used more in data science applications.
For instance, the tech giant Google has formulated the deep learning framework known as TensorFlow. Python is the key language for the development of this framework. Its footprint has paved the way for an increase in the environment which is endorsed by Netflix. Production engineer at Facebook has been using the same as one of the prominent languages in their work sphere.
There are other benedictions that Python as. It helps in the upward swing to the top of data science tools. It helps in the integration with the cloud as well as platform-as-a-service providers. Furthermore, it helps in supporting multiprocessing for parallel computing. This brings the direct advantage of assuring large-scale performance in data science and machine learning. Also, this programming language can be extended with modules written in C/C++.

Why Is Python Preferred Over Other Data Science Tools?

Easy to learn

The most eye-catching factor about Python is that anyone who wishes to learn this language can learn it easily. In comparison to other data science languages like R, Python showcases a shorter learning curve. And also, scores over others by promoting an easy to understand syntax.


In comparison to other languages, Python has developed a lead by emerging as a scalable language. It is quite faster than other languages like Matlab and Stata. Scalability of Python lies in the flexibility that helps in resolving problems. You will find it in case of YouTube that migrated to Python. Python is support for different uses in different industries and helps in the rapid development of applications.

Choice of data science libraries

Another factor for Python leading the industry is that there are myriad of data science and data analytics libraries are available to the learners. Pandas, StatsModels, NumPy, SciPy, and Scikit-Learn, are some of the libraries that have marked their presence in the market. Python does not stop growing. Python offers robust solutions addressing problems of a specific nature.

Python community

Another reason for the rise of Python is based on its ecosystem. As Python is gaining more recognition to the data science community, more volunteers are formulating data science libraries. This has paved the pathway for creating the most modern tools and processing in Python. Fanatics will be able to find access to professionals on different platforms or even by Google.
Final Words -
Python showcases different visualization features. Matplotlib offers the solid foundation of other libraries like Seaborn, pandas plotting, and ggplot. The visualization packages will help in curating a good sense of data, creating charts and graphical plot. Furthermore, it helps in creating web-ready interactive plots.


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