What Are Some Good Uses For Apache Spark?
Apache Spark is an open source, in-memory data processing engine. It was originally developed in 2009, at University of California, AMP lab, which was later donated to Apache Software Foundation. Apache Spark is quickly gaining momentum not only in the headlines but also in real world adoption. Today, it has grown to the extent that, customers from all the industries are using it to improve their businesses with the HDP. Clients are detecting patterns and proving insight which is changing some facets of life and driving organizational change. Apache Spark has grown to become the largest open source community for large data with its own in-memory processing framework. There are various engines within Hadoop system. Every engines works best for certain cases. Here are some of the uses for Apache Spark: Fog Computing and Apache Spark: Internet of Things- This concept sparks the tech community’s imagination. The Internet of Things embeds device with sens...