Ways Big Data Can Influence Decision-Making for Organizations
As per the latest stats, every day we generate around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Even the modern technology has blessed the industries with a number of data sources like blogs, mobile devices, business apps, documents, social media, website and many more to get hold of customer's data. However, this data is in an unstructured format and getting hold of this one is not at all enough to create a positive business impact. One need transform and analyze the data to make it worthwhile. NPN training’s big data training institutes in Bangalore is the expert of the data skills. Let's have a quick look at the three major ways in which almost every organization is using Big Data to take critical business related decisions and also enhance their ROI and business performance: Enhanced customer retention and engagement with Real-time data: Customer service is the most important aspect of any business today. Many companies has availed the real-time data to their customers...